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Research Forum Schedule

Fall 2024




Unit 1: Setting a Strong Foundation

August 19, 2024 (Orientation)

Jake Wier

BMS 800 Crash Course



Laurisa Ankley

Rotations 101


Finding the Right Fit

Rotation Evaluations


August 26, 2024

Aligning Expectations

What, if any, specific technical or communication skills do you expect to learn as part of the research experience?

What would success in this research experience look like to you?

What would you like to achieve:

a. By the end of your 1st year?

b. By the end of your 3rd year?

c. By the time you complete your degree?

September 2, 2023

Labor Day – No Class


September 9, 2024



“Self-Efficacy and Why Believing in Yourself Matters” (Cherry 2023)

September 16, 2024

Dr. Emily Roberts

Expert-Level Budgeting for Graduate Students and Postdocs


Managing your week by week or day to day can feel like flying by the seat of your pants. However, when you’re living on a grad student stipend or postdoc salary, there’s little room for error. This workshop will show you how to realistically predict your expenses and apply timeless budgeting principles so that you can be confident in your spending choices. You will leave the workshop with a working budget and specific action steps to keep it balanced month after month.

Prep work can be found on this page.

September 23, 2024

Coping Efficacy

Identify when it is appropriate to apply emotion and problem focused coping strategies

Unit 2: Setting Goals and Learning Skills

September 30, 2024

IDP Workshop 1: What is an IDP?


IDPs aren’t just more Paperwork



October 7, 2024

IDP Workshop 2: Creating Smart Goals

Design one smart goal to explore a career you had not initially thought of.

Design one smart goal for one skill you need to improve for a career you are interested in

This is one smart goal. Depending on the skill, the end point is not for you to necessarily become an expert at this skill after only that one semester. Make sure it’s realistic and specific. Something achievable within a semester.



Unit 3: Developing a Network

October 14, 2024

Writing Center

Introduction to the Writing Center and the Writing Process

October 21, 2024

Fall Break- No Class


October 28, 2024

Entering Research: Developing a Curriculum Vitae/Biosketch

Submit a CV/Biosketch

Update your LinkedIn profile

November 4, 2024

Student Talk: TBD


November 11, 2024

Entering Research: Diversity in STEM


November 18, 2024

Entering Research: Challenges Facing Diverse Teams


Imposter Syndrome, Stereotype Threat, and Bias Literacy: An Introduction



Trainee Material

November 25, 2024

Student Talk: TBD


December 2, 2024

Networking Panel